June 7, 2017
As of June 7th its a tale of two stories on the Prairies: too wet in some areas to finish seeding; too dry in other areas slowing crop development and generating talk of drought conditions. Barley seeding is now around 85% complete in W. Canada with some central areas of Saskatchewan and Alberta still struggling with too much moisture to complete sowing. Producers who have not been able to seed their other crops may switch to barley or oats which have a shorter growing season. The story is different in southerns part of the Prairies that have received about half of normal rainfall over the past month. Combined with high winds in some areas which has exacerbated dryness and pummeled emerging crops, development is now some 10 days behind normal in parts of south western Manitoba and southern Saskatchewan. These areas will need rain in the next week or two to accelerate growth and prevent crop damage.