The Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC) is an independent, not-for-profit, member based research facility established in 2000 that provides technical services and marketing support to the Canadian malting barley supply chain. CMBTC members include breeders, farmers, seed companies, agriculture ministries, grain company exporters, maltsters and brewers.
Member Services
The CMBTC offers a suite of technical services to the Canadian malting barley value chain including specialized processing, remote and on-site technical services, marketing support, new variety evaluation and promotion, crop and market updates, as well as training and education through the CMBTC Malt Academy programs. See the attached overview for a list of CMBTC services, facilities and equipment. Contact Peter Watts, Managing Director, for information on membership benefits and costs.
Become a Member
The CMBTC has a range of membership categories suited to different service requirements. See more information on the CMBTC membership schedule. If your organization is interested in joining the CMBTC as a member, please contact Peter Watts, Managing Director by email or by phone 204 983 1981.
Current CMBTC Members: Alberta Grains, Boortmalt, Beer Canada, Canadian Grain Commission, CANTERRA SEEDS, Cargill Ltd, Dalian Xingze Malting, FP Genetics, G3 Canada Limited, JSFEC, Malteurop, MolsonCoors, New Glarus Brewing, Crop Development Centre (University of Saskatchewan), Field Crop Development Centre (Olds College), Montana Craft Malt, International Flavours & Ingredients, Richardson International, SeCan, Syngenta, Tsingtao Brewery, Saskatchewan Barley Development Commission, Saskatchewan Ministry of Agriculture, Shandong Hyaline Malting, Hubei Hyaline Malting, the US Brewers Association, Viterra Inc.