Crop Progress Update – October 16, 2018
Harvest progress over the past three weeks has been painfully slow in Western Canada. The weather has been abysmal. Snowfall, frost, and rainy wet conditions have made harvest a nightmare. Farmers in all three provinces have been stymied by the inclement weather conditions which in many areas prevented them from entering their fields. The unharvested barley acres, which […]
Crop Progress Update – October 16, 2018
Harvest progress over the past three weeks has been painfully slow in Western Canada. The weather has been abysmal. Snowfall, frost, and rainy wet conditions have made harvest a nightmare. Farmers in all three provinces have been stymied by the inclement weather conditions which in many areas prevented them from entering their fields. The unharvested barley acres, which […]
2018 malt barley quality…looking good
When the reports of snow fall in Alberta came during the first week of September, it was disheartening to say the least. In spite of a very dry summer, the malting barley crop in many key areas had fared well (with the exception of south western Saskatchewan and southern Alberta where drought had taken a […]
Rains stall Prairie harvest
September 13 – After a dry, hot summer that took a toll on Prairie crops, farmers had begun to harvest what was still looking like a pretty good barley crop only to see the weather change in early September with rains stalling harvest in many parts of the Prairies. With about 50% of the barley […]
CROP PROGRESS UPDATE – August 23, 2018
Harvest is advancing quickly, especially in the southern regions of the Prairies. Combines are also rolling across the central and northern regions of the Western provinces. Conditions are near ideal for harvest with the recent hot and dry weather. Crops are drying quickly which will give the farmers uninterrupted access to harvest their crops. Barley harvest should be […]
CMBTC Crop Progress Update – August 23, 2018
Harvest is advancing quickly, especially in the southern regions of the Prairies. Combines are also rolling across the central and northern regions of the Western provinces. Conditions are near ideal for harvest with the recent hot and dry weather. Crops are drying quickly which will give the farmers uninterrupted access to harvest their crops. Barley harvest should be […]
CMBTC Crop Progress Update – July 18, 2018
This past week crop conditions are on the decline, hot dry weather was the norm across Western Canada. The southwest region of Saskatchewan and southeast region of Alberta remain the driest section of the Prairies. The recent rains of June, which contributed to overall soil moisture levels getting replenished, have been dried out by the […]
Western Canada Finally general seeding is occurring throughout Western Canada. The weather forecast is for hot, dry weather with little rain events to interrupt seeding. Day time temperatures are forecast at 20C or higher however overnight temperatures are in the low single digits which is below normal for this time of year. Southern Alberta is roughly […]
2018 Seeding Update
CANADA: Typically at this time of year we would be reporting the percentage of acres seeded, especially in southern Alberta. But that is not the case as Spring has been elusive and cold temperatures persisted into much of April. Finally the weather has changed over the Prairies in the last week bringing with it much anticipated warm dry air. The […]