2021 Seeding Considerations
April 5, 2021
Opportunities for New Canadian Malting Barley Varieties
CDC Bow, AAC Connect & CDC Fraser
Canada’s barley breeders have developed a promising suite of new malting barley varieties such as CDC Bow, AAC Connect and CDC Fraser each with excellent agronomics and disease resistance. These new varieties are poised to succeed older, established varieties such as AC Metcalfe and CDC Copeland. They have very desirable malting and brewing characteristics, reinforcing Canada’s position as a supplier of premium quality barley and malt, and increasingly these new varieties are being accepted by domestic and international maltsters and brewers.
Click the link below to see the CMBTC’s 2021 malting barley seeding considerations with regard to variety selection, yield potential, lodging and protein targets.
2021 Malting Barley Seeding Considerations