

May 8, 2017

Seeding is well behind average across western Canada this Spring.  Alberta Agriculture estimates seeding at 6% complete as of May 2 compared with 21% last year and the 5 year average of 13%.   Cool temperatures in April kept soils from drying out and warming up.   In Saskatchewan poor weather has delayed spring field work and many fields remain wet.  It is estimated that as of May 1 only 1% of crops have been seeded compared with the 5 year average of 6%. Warm, dry conditions will be needed in coming weeks for seeding to get fully under way.  In Manitoba, limited precipitation in recent weeks allowed fields to dry out nicely however it is estimated that less than 5% of the crops have been seeded as of May 1 compared with 10% last at this time.  Check the following links for crop updates by province: Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan